Resources - Feeding/Nutrition

Browse reliable, evidence-based resources from trusted sources



UNICEF Breastfeeding and relationships in the early days

UNICEF Skin-to-Skin

UNICEF Maximising Breastmilk

UNICEF Hand Expression

UNICEF The First Breastfeed

UNICEF Positioning and Latching

UNICEF Ineffective Attachment

UNICEF Baby-Led Feeding

UNICEF Breastfeeding Problems

UNICEF Off to the Best Start Leaflet

UNICEF Responsive Feeding Leaflet

The Breastfeeding Network Expressing and Storing Breastmilk Leaflet

First Steps Nutrition Trust Breastfeeding Guide Leaflet

HSE Infant Hunger Cues Leaflet



UNICEF Skin-to-Skin

HSE Infant Hunger Cues

Paced Feeding - from Australian Region of Peel Health

UNICEF Responsive Feeding Leaflet

NHS Guide to Bottlefeeding Leaflet

First Steps Nutrition Trust Infant Milks Guide Leaflet


NHS Start4Life (term infants)

(preterm infants)

Start4Life Top Tips for Weaning

UNICEF Introducing Solids

Start4Life Introducing Solid Foods Leaflet